Monday, January 18, 2010

Wisdom Teeth are Gone

Well, they pulled my 2 Wisdom Teeth (at the top) out on Thursday. I didn't have any on the bottom, for which I am glad!

I was very lucky. I slept pretty much all day Thursday. I had no bleeding, no swelling, and really almost no pain.

The only strange thing that happened was when I started having a little bit of an allergic reaction to the pain medicine! I got a sunburned look on my face and neck, and started itching all over! By Friday afternoon, I decided not to take it anymore. The doctor agreed with me on the phone and switched me to Ibuprofen. With a little bit of Children's Benadryll, I managed not to have any further problems.

Now last night and today I've had a tiny bit of achy feeling in the sinuses up in my cheek and above my nose on the right side. But, the Advil-D seems to have helped. So, maybe it's just typical sinus-pressure!


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