Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Grace!

Elizabeth Grace Conver turned 5 years old Wednesday!

Tuesday night we had a birthday party for her at Mimi's house.

Then on her birthday we took a big bowl of fruit salad plus mini brownies to school. Then I brought in Hamtaro the Hamster to see her class right when everyone was waking up from naps! 

Grace got to go home from school at 2pm instead of 5pm or some days 3 when Thomas gets out.

Next we took tiny cupcakes and juice to ballet where she got to have lots of fun and celebrated 2 years of ballet classes! She started ballet on her 3rd birthday! After class they all had a mini-party and even sang Happy Birthday!

We then all went to Grammy and Aunt Leslie's church for a pot luck dinner, Gracie got fried chicken -which she loves- and everyone told Grace how much they loved her beautiful Cinderella dress.

Finally we went to Bible Study at Forestpark and took big yellow iced cupcakes with Tinker Bell rings on top for her friends.

Tomorrow Grace is having a big party for all her friends from school: 

Princesses and Pirates!

When: Feb. 4th, 2012
Time: 1:00pm
Where: Forestpark Community Church
Address: 5012 S Watterson Tr

Instead of gifts, please bring a wrapped Children's Book labeled with a approximate age range. We will place all the books on a table, and every child will get to pick a new book to take home! If you don't like the one you got, there will be time to trade!!!

I will send pictures later too!!!

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