Monday, February 9, 2009

Snow Finally Melted...Tons of Pictures!

First some news.....

You probably know my Sister-In-Law Leslie Conver Brocklesby is pregnant with their first little one, but we found out recently,

Here is a recent photo and of course she's in Blue!

His name will be David Robert Brocklesby. Congrats Leslie and Bob! They are due in June!

Secondly, my Aunt Esther Himbaugh got engaged over Christmas!!! Eivaen Treadway gave it to her before she came home. I found out early because she updated her facebook page without realizing we'd all see it! I'd have said something before, but I didn't want to spoil any surprises so I waited. Here is the ring.... She will be Esther F Treadway or maybe Esther H Treadway...or honestly with her work in tv, she may decide to just be Esther F Himbaugh married to Eivaen Treadway! :-) We like him a lot. At Christmas, Thomas kept calling him Uncle Eivaen. For once, we didn't correct him!

Next, Thomas had to have a bone scan done of his right leg, in January. He was having some pain still after he broke it last February, which as you can imagine, is a little unusual. Here he is dozing on the meds.... They said the bone scan showed a "abnormality between the right and left leg" so they are now doing an MRI on Wednesday. No idea what that implies, although the radiologist did say, "It could just be picking up on the fact that he broke that right one once." gee...thanks. Anyway, he has to have an IV and be under light sedation for 3 hours + so prayers are welcome, for my nerves as well as his!
Getting a Bone Scan...
I stuck these in because right now Thomas has a bug... this is him at the pediatrician being brave. He has a blue band-aid on his left finger where they stuck him already there... :-(
But good news was, it wasn't strep, which is going around like crazy, and so is the flu, which it also was not. They tested for both. :-) So, he'll probably be puny for a few days... but nothing terrible.
You can see how pink his cheeks are here from the fever.... makes me a sad Mommy....
Now, on to the regular Blog.....Catch up for a Month, Watch Out!

Our Power was out from Wednesday morning at 5:30ish (that's when we woke up and figured it out) till Sunday night at about 8:00pm. The first night we stayed at Bill and Sarah's Thank You!!! and then over to Linda and Leigh's, where we were one of 13 people in the house, but had our own room. (Thank You Linda and Leigh!!!- Oh, and Grandma!!)
This Picture is of Sam trying to pull the kids on the sled over to Bill and Sarah's last Wednesday around 1pm.
This worked from our house (although Gracie fussed all the way) until the bottom of Fleming. It was just too slushy at the corner of Dundee and we made them get off. I carried Grace for a bit, then we put them back on the sled. About 1/4 a block down Dundee the sled finally turned over, as it had been threatening to do, and this really upset Grace, although she was so bundled up, I don't think any snow got on her skin much at all. At any rate, we ended up dragging an empty sled, and carrying Grace, while Thomas enjoyed trudging his way there.
Luckily Bill ran down his hill and met us, running first Thomas, then all our stuff back to his house. What a cold rotten way to travel. Thank God for Cars. And Power.

This is the tree at the bottom of Gannie's Driveway, with Leigh's tail-lights shining on the icicles.

Grace and Thomas slept in the back room at Grammy and Pop's house, where Gigi does her computer work. Here she is getting ready to read a ballerina princess book at bedtime.
On Feb. 1st, 2009, Grace Turned 2 Years Old!
These pictures were taken on Grace's 2nd Birthday in the afternoon. That was the day it got up to 50 degrees. We took the kids to the park near Linda and Leigh's house where we'd been snowed in. It was a wonderful, fun way to spend her birthday with her, and the kids loved yelling in their "outside voices" since we'd been stuck inside for so long. (I loved some time alone with my family!!!)

I love that one!

When we got home, Grace got changed and ready for her party!
Bruce and Vera Plymale, and Sam Plymale were all able to attend, despite the snow! Also, although not in this photo, Robin, Samantha and Wesley came out. I told everyone else to please stay home and stay warm though. We still didn't have power at our house!

Here is a long shot of the table while Leslie and Bob, Bill and Tyler enjoy some cake and ice cream! In the background you can see James Conver eating some cake with Pop and Grandaddy walking through looking for the Super Bowl Game!

These are from this past Friday night at Linda's. Sarah went out with some of the ladies from school she teaches with, and Tyler got to come over to Grammy's with us! Then Bill brought Ian over for a few minutes to pick Tyler up. They all had a good time fighting over toys.

In this picture, Grace had jumped up in the front seat and started turning the wheel back and forth yelling, "I'm drivin! I'm drivin!" When Sam opened that door (you can see him there in the background) she got soooo mad and as he was putting her in her seat she was still shouting, "No, I want to be drivin!" Guess we'll have to start saving up for her car fund....

This shows Thomas and Grace playing on the Word World website. There is a letter matching game that Thomas is playing. If you spell out the names of the instruments, they turn into that instrument, and the character starts playing it. It's all part of a longer cartoon you are watching. Very clever and well done. Grace is pointing at where the U should go in DRUM saying, "Right There!" and Thomas, who already knew that, is telling her, "Don't help me."

Thomas is putting together (with help from the instruction sheet, which he was much amazed by, and of course Mommy) a Legos Bulldozer here. He and Tyler each got a set of these for Grace's Birthday!
This is in the front window at Doo Wop!

Grace thought this outfit was very fashionable, so I'm sharing it with you too.

Grace put this train track together all by herself! She's the one wearing all of Thomas' clothes and sailor hat in this picture!
Eventually, Thomas couldn't stand it anymore and joined in the fun!

This is Sarah Herzog, she babysits for us on Wednesday nights at church. I took these when it was time to pick the kids up, before they saw me....She looks glad to see me don't you think? She's really good with the kids if you ever need someone, I have her number!

That's all! Hope you enjoyed!

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