Monday, October 1, 2012

Race Day!!!

Well, today we had the big race! Actually, Races. There were 6 but sort of 7 races held back to back. I got to be a Flagger for the first one! Best "seat" in the house! Loved it! (Thanks Shawn for standing out there with me because I was chicken, don't think I didn't notice...)

They had the youngest kids go first, about 12-14 years old. Then we all walked back in from the track and they had a special presentation. Matthew First had put on Dylan's jersey and took a "Hot Lap" driving a Dirt Bike around the course. While he drove Shawn explained on the Mic what was going on, who Dylan was, and why we had come. They played music that Kramer had brought. It was very emotional. Patty, Tony, and Lauren all stood together while Matthew rode. 

Everyone was so respectful. Unlike the States where several kids would be yelling back and forth to each other, some guys would be talking, and people would just keep walking around doing whatever, here everyone - even the little ones - got quiet and watched and listened. 

Then Shawn got to give a gospel presentation. He explained that Dylan loved Jesus Christ and lived his life for Christ. He told them that we had come all this way, not just to honor Dylan's life, which was taken too soon, but to tell them about Jesus. That although racing is great fun, it can't compare to life with Christ. He then prayed a simple prayer and afterwards asked anyone who prayed with him to raise their hand. 

Right away 5 people we could count quickly in a huge crowd raised their hands, but afterwards we gave away EVERY New Testament we had brought, which had filled a plastic tote just about. Including Fernando, the man who was in charge of the MotoCross stores here and the owner of the track! And just to be clear, we didn't walk around talking people into taking a Bible, these people came up and asked for them! Later, Big Mike (El Gran Mike they call him) sat down with Fernando and answered questions, and they talked for about 25 minutes.

After this was over, the races continued! We had 3 more races, then Ronnie and Mark, then Shawn, Jimmy and Ryan. The really bad news there was that Ryan's bike quit working almost right away, and he barely made it through all the laps. It kept dying. Grrrrr soooo frustrating. Everyone had been waiting to see those 3 race!! But the best part of the show, and the part that I think made the biggest impact, was that right before the final jump, Shawn and Jimmy stopped! They waited a LONG time (or it certainly felt long) for Ryan to make the damaged bike go all the way around the track, then when he caught up, they all 3 took the last jump together! It was amazing to see the 3 bikes flying through the air synchronized! The crowd LOVED it and mostly that they had waited for their friend. It was like they said, "We won't win this unfairly. So, let's just do it together." What a message for today!

The reason I said sort of 7 races, was when everything was finished, a group of guys on 4 wheelers went out and ran the track! That was interesting too! Not that I recommend it! I couldn't look. They are notorious for rolling over!

Anyway, a GREAT time was had by all. I gave away who-knows-how-many stickers, trading cards, and posters.

One fun thing was that the little kids were so excited that Jimmy, Mark, Shawn, and Mike were signing autographs, they also asked several of the rest of us! I signed several autographs, which was cute. I would put, "Mary" in fancy script then, "Joshua 1:9" in print. Well, what? I didn't have a Moto-Number or whatever to put after my name. :-)


At the end they got everyone together and gave away cool trophies that they had made with Dylan's picture over a map of Honduras, which, by the way, you can turn upside down to make it a map of Kentucky! They also awarded cash prizes as well!

We had to stay afterwards to clean up the huge mess and help put down the big tents that the catering company had rented us. There were also also kinds of food vendors, and even a Motor Oil company had a booth!

When we got home the ladies all ran in different directions to the bathrooms! Remember, no bathrooms at the track! We were there from 9am to 3pm!!! A couple of people admitted to finding a hiding place in the woods to go! I was too busy with the job of handing out PR stuff to notice.

Ms. America made fried chicken and mac-n-cheese for dinner, which I considered a reward for not buying any of the vendor's food at the race. I didn't think it was smart, but most people did. Ms. America was so sweet. She had packed up everything we needed to fix PB&J sandwiches and even some drinks and chips, plus cookies! So, I did have that out there.

Later tonight, we went in 2 vans to the Mall for some last minute shopping. I'm not saying what since it will blow the surprise! :-)

Then we came home for our last share time. It was pretty emotional. We had to say goodbye to our interpreters, which if you consider they were our voice for the week, is hard to part with. Plus, they are all friends now! Most of us have connected with them all on facebook already! Can you imagine? What a world we live in! :-) I even had guys from the MotoCamp already add me as friends on facebook!

The other reason it was a little bit "tear jerking" was that we all discussed Dylan and how much we really really miss him, how important he was to everyone here, and how much seeing Matthew take that Hot Lap had meant to us all. Even Lucila (the interpreter who lives here) said she had cried all through that lap. 

Well, everyone is packed, and the suitcases are appearing behind me at the front door. We have breakfast at 7am and leave here at 8am. Sadly we don't get in till 11:25pm, so even though we leave here at 10am Louisville time, we won't get in tomorrow in time to see the kids. :-(

But we are kind of glad to get a little extra time together during our 5 hour or something layover in Houston. I've packed Apples-to-Apples and In A Pickle, in my carry on.

All I can say is, Topela Papa!!!

Which is secret Honduran Moto-code for "Twist it Daddy!!" and if you don't get that either, well, I guess you had to be here. :-)

See you tomorrow night!

Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (HCSB)

Mary Conver
Doo Wop Shop

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