Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Appointements and Plans....

Happy Wednesday!

We went to the Pediatrician yesterday and saw Dr. Maurer. They did another blood sugar test and it was 81. Very normal. That was an hour or so after breakfast. So, that is great news.

They have scheduled her an EEG, just as a follow up from Monday's festivities, on July 24th at 8am. We have to be there at 7:30. They said no caffeine or chocolate 12 hrs before. I said, "So, no Mocha Frappachinos then right?" funny except that just Sunday night she had taken a couple of sips of mine...doesn't seem so funny to me now...

Anyway, now we are waiting for the nurse at the Pediatrician to make another appointment for us. They are sending her to a Neurologist just for follow up.

They have given us the go ahead for our Gatlinburg trip though, and she is just as cute as a button today! She's running and dancing, and everything.

Notes on Ian...

We are here at Doo Wop, and Sarah had put Ian down on the floor on a little changing pad so he could kick for awhile.

He has been playing there for about a half and hour now!

He laughed at Troy, who was teasing him that he has big ole Turkey Legs. Then he started using his feet to push himself up further and further and further, until now he has almost shoved himself off the mat at the top!

He's still laughing and talking. Every time they start up the music, his eyes get huge and he starts kicking again!


Ps- Jon is in town, and Thomas thinks that is the best thing in the world! :-)

Here we are at dinner. Jon is explaining to Thomas why he should always tell waiters,
"Thank You," whenever they bring his drink with a lid. We got Thomas a milkshake!

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