Sunday, August 23, 2009



Just thought you should get an update on my Mom.

So far, she hasn't been able to have the planned procedure yet. When she arrived at the hospital Friday afternoon, they drew blood and decided her blood was too thin, which was due to the daily aspirin she takes. So, they sent her home and she came back again the next day. They repeated the blood work, and sent her home again. Each time giving her a Vitamin K pill, which thickens the blood.

The great news is that Saturday morning, they decided to go ahead and give her 2 different kinds of antibiotics which will help fight the infection, which they were not willing to do on Friday.

She is supposed to call in tomorrow morning to see what time to come in, and they'll repeat the blood work again. Eventually they plan to attempt this procedure which will clear out the abscesses.

In the meantime, she is just being still, taking Tylenol, and waiting.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers! I'll send another note when there is more to say!


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