Friday, August 14, 2009

On the First Day of School, Gracie said to me...

I was soooo impressed when Grace came home yesterday in the same clothes she left in! I was sure she'd have an accident on the first day of school. She told me "all my friends used the potty too. And all Thomas' friends used the potty too." I told her, "That's because you are big kids. You go to a big kids' school now!" She said, "I am a big kid now!" and looked so pleased with herself. It was pretty cute.

The other really cute thing she did was to sit herself up on the big toilet instead of the her little pink potty (I guess because that's what Thomas does, and that's what she did at school) and ask me to read her a book. So I started reading her a story. After a couple of minutes, I looked up to find her sitting there with nothing on, with her legs crossed at the knees, just as polite as a little lady! She didn't need to use the potty, she just knew that's what you do when you want to hear a story! I helped her down and we got on clothes again to finish the story.

Thomas had a great day at school. His only complaint was that his friend Ava wouldn't pretend to be the character he wanted her to be. I explained that she probably didn't know who Annie (from Magic Tree House) was. That he might want to explain who that is, and about the Magic Tree house, then maybe Ava would want to be that character. Or, that he might like to look for games that Ava did know how to play. I also suggested that he try to meet a new friend today...I don't think that went over too well. We'll see.

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