Friday, August 1, 2008

Fwd: Sam's Mission Trip in New Orleans

New Orleans Youth Trip 2008

Here are some photos from Sam's trip to New Orleans via the wonder of camera phones.

They are due back Saturday night at 7pm.

One major snag has been that last night at about 10ish Sam was playing ball with some of the kids and they ran through a fire ant hill, and not knowing this, Sam fell into the thing and put his hand right in it.

They were quite small, but none the less, He's a mess now. He has blisters and bites, his whole arm is swollen, and the one hand looks as bad as when he broke his wrist! He initially got hives all over his body and they had to give him 2 benadryll and 5 bottles of water to flush his system! But today he's having to stay back at the dorm and relax on even more benadryll, as he can't use the arm!

Oh well. At any rate, other than that, they have a great time.
  • The first day they did a lot of yard work for the city, cutting grass, weed wacking etc.

  • The second day they installed insulation and dry wall in a lady's house.

  • The third day was a half day, and they worked on sanding drywall mud for the new center that the mission owns, then went to the french quarter.
  • Then yesterday they worked hard all day finishing the dry walling and such at the lady's house from Tuesday.

  • Today, he's well, sitting around feeling useless, but hopefully by tonight he'll be on his feet again so that he can drive home tomorrow.
  • The last day the group finished the house so the lady could move back in!!! What a great job they did! And a lot of hard work!
In the photos:

The pictures of Sam show his fire ant bites! The men in bronze surrounded by kids are street performers pretending to be statues! The first pictures show Sam helping with the yard work, and one of the girls looking up through a hole in the floor of the house they did the insulation on!
The last one is the results of the ones on his hands today!

Below are the photos of the groups coming home!!! 8/3/08

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