Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Night 2 and Day 3 (REALLY LONG) :-)

Hi again!

Last night we got to attend a church service that was really fun and somewhat the same and some different than our own. They had a band with singers (all Spanish of course) and then announcements from the Children's Minister, and then someone else (couldn't figure out what he said.) 

The pastor got up and gave a short story about - I think - A farmer, who has a really really big farm with lots and lots of animals. He decided to give back to God, so he gave him one cat. Then the farmer lost everything but the cat, and God blessed him with LOTS and LOTS of cats. So, be careful what you give to God, because who needs a lot of cats? Then he went on to take up the offering. They had two people stand up front holding baskets and everyone comes up front to put money in! The kids loved it.

Next, Mark, an FCA Rider from Tennessee, gave his testimony. One thing I noticed is that it is very hard to follow a story line when you have to stop every sentence to have it translated!

Sam gave the message and spoke about Dylan First. Dylan had a crazy idea! He believed he could impact the world through Motocross for Christ. And he did. That is why we are here this week. Because of the faith of one young man who was taken before his time, we have launched the first ever International FCA Motorcross Camp. 

Then he told how Jesus' friend Mary also did something crazy. She poured an entire container of very expensive perfume over Jesus' feet and wiped it with her hair. She moved on this one impulse from God, a pretty crazy one at that, and because of it Jesus says of her, "wherever the gospel is preached, her story will be told." Pretty amazing.

We had talked that morning during our devotional about Honduras being a very warm culture. Meaning, a very personal kind of culture. Unlike the United States, where we are a very cold culture. Example: If a random stranger came up to you and shook your hand and smiled and started talking to you, you would be very surprised. But if the same stranger gave you a hug, it would be shocking! Not true here! They are a hugging, smiling, warm group. We were told that in this culture, always touch people when you talk to them. Put your hand on their arm, or something! Another way they are different is that it's polite to ask someone to lunch about 3 times! They will say "no thank you." then you ask again, and again. Finally they know you are sure they should come over, and will say yes.

This was proven last night when Sam gave an invitation at the end of the service! He shocked all of us (the team I mean) by asking us to come up front with him! He told them if they had never accepted Jesus into their heart, for Him to be their King, this was the time. 

Sam said to come up front right now and we will pray with you. No one moved. Then again, he asked, if anyone has any prayer needs, please come on up. (Remember this is all through the translator, one sentence at a time) After this, the pastor came up and gave yet another invitation! (Ask them to lunch 3 times...) and they all started coming up front!

Almost every one of us had someone walk right up to them and start asking for prayer requests in Spanish! Well, we just put hands on them (warm culture) and started praying for them! We knew that God knew what they needed, and we just trusted Him to handle it!

About 5 minutes later, someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned to hear Ronnie telling Courtney that Ryan had just prayed with him to accept Christ for the first time. Ryan kind of smiled at me and I gave him a big hug! Then (after all the people went back to sit down) Terry DuPont, the Missionary who lives here, went up and announced to everyone about Ryan and said, "Come give him a hug!" And they lined up!!! :-)

Today was just all Public Relations getting ready for the MotoCross Camp and Races. Shawn Clark was on live TV, which we all watched from here. That certainly didn't go as they expected! He thought they would ask him a couple of questions. He and Jimmy walked in and they said, "You have 40 minutes." And they showed him to a seat! Talk about having to Ad-Lib!! To his credit, he smiled the whole time and tried to keep talking! Thank goodness the translator took up half the time!!

Then we all went out to the University, which is about the size of a Middle School for us. They were very nice and interested in the many Professional North American Motocross guys. They signed autographs in Metallic Sharpies on little posters, stickers, and baseball-card-style cards with Shawn's picture on them.

We got to go into each classroom in small groups and explain who we were and why we were here. We invited them all to the race this weekend and some said they might enter and lots said they would come! It's free, so pray for a big crowd to see it and hear the gospel this weekend! We even hired a school bus to go pick students up Sunday and bring them to the race!

We came back home and relaxed from the heat (it's pretty hot all the time inside, but nicer outside) in our air conditioned bedrooms and then had lunch. Pork chops, rice, and steamed veggies. YUM!

We got all cleaned up and headed out to "The Mall" which is a tiny set of stores that are linked together. Lots of gifts to bring home, and then one more store, then Ice Cream!!! Sooo good and COLD! :-)

This afternoon we went back to the University and brought a Dirt Bike and showed off! They loved watching Shawn Clark do some stunts and Ryan too! About 50 people ran after Ryan when he drove through the main court yard, paused to rev his engine (I'm sure that's not how you say it in MotoCrossEze) and let Shawn announce the race again, and then raced across the courtyard to the soccer fields for tricks. They clapped and cheered for him.

Tonight the guys ran off to the gym to lift weights and we all relaxed in the air conditioning of our bedrooms! 

Tomorrow morning we are splitting up into 3 groups: 

1) Sam, Courtney and I are going with Terry DuPont and an interpreter to House of Hope where the little girls live that are orphans. We have TONS of clothes and toys for them! Even princess dresses! Oh, and a pirate costume and batman costume for the 2 year old boy who joined all the girls recently. But our favorite gift that we are most excited about was donated by Doo Wop and it's a TV! It is a little flat screen with a built in DVD player and we even got Spanish Language Veggie Tales movies for them, courtesy of Robin!

2) Shawn, Jimmy and an Interpreter are heading to the TV station again- we told them to put Jimmy on first this time to give Shawn a break- and then to another "Mall" and a different University, all to sign more autographs and generate excitement for the race! The more that come, the more that will hear the good news.

3) Most of the rest of the group are headed to the track first thing to start remodeling and getting ready for 60 rider/students some as young as 6, and lots of adults too! We want the track smooth and clean and safe!

That's way more than you wanted, but this is also updating to our blog, so that's whatcha get!

Good night and thanks for the prayers!!

Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (HCSB)

Mary Conver
Doo Wop Shop

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