Friday, September 28, 2012


Well, Camp went really well today. We had one minor injury where a boy fell off his bike in a turn and skinned his knee bad enough to need a bandage, but by dinner it was a lot better. 

Another person that needed a doctor was actually Matthew First. But it's a bug bite of some sort that looks like it may be getting infected. They took him to an Immediate Care Center where they checked him out and got him on some antibiotics just in case.

Today overall was much easier to handle because of the heat not being as bad and lots of cloud cover. It stormed pretty good right before dinner time, causing us to have to grab everything out of our base camp and throw it in the truck, and wave down all the riders and send them rushing back as a group to Camp from the track. But we all got in before the rain came.

After the storm it was MUCH cooler. In fact I had to borrow Amanda's rain jacket, not because it was still raining, but from the cool air.

Two interesting things that happened today and then I will go to sleep.

1) We got to see a tornado! A tiny one. Kramer got a video of it which you have to see at some point. It was a little dust storm going right across the back of our track. Cool.

2) We got on tv, again! There was a girl with a mic and a guy with a camera that hung out most of the afternoon. They interviewed several people too.

3) During chapel, Mark got to the invitation part of the sermon and said basically, "I know you may be afraid to come down front, it's scary," and the power went out everywhere. 

So we all pulled out flash lights and cell phone lights and kept right on going. We had 3 more first time commitments. In non-churcheze that means 3 people said they prayed to ask Jesus to come into their heart and be their Savior and Lord, for the first time. 

As a side note, we did have a really awesome worship service. The band from one of the Open Eyes Ministry's church came and we danced and sang. It was very loud and very fun. GIANT speakers and another set stacked on top!

Well, I've fallen asleep a lot of times now and I still have to send you pictures! We have to be up at 6am, so good night!

Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (HCSB)

Mary Conver
Doo Wop Shop

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