Sunday, September 23, 2012

Re: 2nd set of pictures from Day 2 (morning)

This is from the first email I sent but a lot of them came back, so I'm sending again without the pictures:


I made up an email list of people I thought might be interested in seeing
pictures and getting updates from our trip. If you don't want to be on the
list, just send me a note and I will take you back off!!

The only real problem we've had (other than being Air-Sick) is that we had
12 pieces of luggage "get a free trip to Chicago!" as Terry put it. We're
supposed to get those back late tonight I believe. Ah, just as I send this,
they are saying our bags are here (at the airport an hour and a half from
here) and they are going to see if it's true. Even so, they said "your 10
bags are here" which we are missing 12.

I'm sending pictures in 2 emails so it won't be so hard to load!

Thanks for keeping up with us!

If you want copies of any of these, tell me and I will send it as a bigger
file size. These are also all being loaded to facebook in a group "FCA
Motocross Honduras".

Go up to your search box and type that in and it should come up.

Some prayer requests are: Health, Safety, No Sunburns, Flexibility with
scheduling, Discernment


On Sep 23, 2012, at 12:26 PM, Mary Conver <> wrote:

<P1050708.JPG> <P1050711.JPG>

<P1050714.JPG> <P1050718.JPG> 

Haven't I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9 (HCSB)

Mary Conver
Doo Wop Shop

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